
OVERHEAT Project aims to revolutionize digital fire management solutions for containerships by offering a comprehensive, real-time approach that prioritizes safety, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology and safety culture assessments, this initiative seeks to usher in a new era of fire prevention and management in maritime transport.

Expected outcomes

1. Navigational accidents including vessel collisions and groundings, damage to vessels and boats from debris (in particular lost containers), and harm to marine mammals are significantly reduced. 2. There is systematic understanding of the causes of navigational accidents and high standards are established for their prevention. 3. Automated systems reducing the human factor as a cause of navigational accidents are introduced on a relevant scale and deployed in particular on vessels operating in sensitive areas where navigational accidents and incidents would have a particular negative impact (coastal zones, marine protected areas).
4. Digital solutions (“smart ships”) that help in the prevention of accidents are developed and integrated in the overall vessel architecture and in traffic control systems. A link to automated and autonomous shipping solutions under development is established.
5. Containership fires can be systematically prevented, and when occurring they will be detected swiftly and tackled safely without recourse to external intervention.
6. The serious risk to crews, coastal and port communities from the toxic combustion products of containership fires is mitigated.
7. The frequency of containership fires is reduced in a statistically proven way.